Development of core technology for future offshore plants
KRISO will offer new directions for sustainable maritime development and innovative growth.
KRISO creates the innovative growth engine for sustainable maritime development through R&D work on technologies related to novel offshore plants, materials, and new and renewable energy sources.
Currently, due to the unstable oil price caused by the global economic recession, the recovery of the oil and gas markets and increase of public and civilian demand are delayed. Therefore, future offshore plant technologies are necessary to overcome the climate crisis and seek sustainable development. In order to acquire the competence to lead the maritime innovative growth by developing novel offshore plants and service technology for maritime resources development, KRISO will take the initiative in the development of essential technologies for offshore construction engineering and plant materials as well as the technologies for convergent maritime energy development and utilization. It will develop new core technology for offshore plants, related services, and equipment, so as to fuel innovative growth and create new industries. To achieve the goals of the Green New Deal, it will develop technology to commercialize renewable energy and resources. In doing so, it will play a role in overcoming the climate crisis, and contribute to sustainable development.
01 Development of fluid-structure performance evaluation for offshore plants
Research Content
Development of world-class technology for testing the performance of deep-sea offshore plants and the structural stability of offshore structures and for developing virtual maritime water tank.
With increased demand for new offshore plant technology to utilize various marine resources, KRISO will improve technology for performance tests of offshore plants in deep sea and polar environments, and strengthen maritime industry competitiveness by developing virtual maritime structures for integrated analysis of maritime structure-fluid performance. In addition, it will establish a platform to evaluate the structural stability of virtual maritime structures to assess and manage offshore plants.
Detailed Research Topics
- Establishment of highly reliable performance testing techniques through the development of new material-based measurement apparatuses and quality control
- Realization of Smart Lab with deep sea engineering water tank through the application of ICT and cyber physical system
- Implementing model testing through the development of virtual maritime water tank and advancing technology for supporting design analysis
- Development of hydro-elastic analysis-based virtual structural stability evaluation platform for offshore structures
02 Development of new industrial services and equipment for offshore plants
Research Content
Development of novel offshore plant service and material technology, including Ship-To-Ship LNG bunkering system and maritime hydrogen supply chain
KRISO is developing LNG bunkering systems to supply ships with eco-friendly LNG in response to the need to lower gas emissions. It is developing technology to test the basic design of the maritime hydrogen supply chain and related equipment, and an offshore plan maintenance data platform to lower operating costs and improve safety.
Detailed Research Topics
- Development of LNG bunkering system and its Ship-To-Ship demonstration
- Basic design of maritime hydrogen supply chain and development of technology for testing relevant apparatuses and materials
- Development of IoT and data-based platform for the state-based offshore plant maintenance
03 Development of leading technology for commercialization of marine energy and resources
Research Content
Development of new and renewable maritime energy sources for maximizing the utilization of maritime resources and development of technology for seawater desalination commercialization
KRISO is securing commercialization technology through ESS-based oscillating water column wave power generation and open sea test of 1MW ocean thermal energy conversion plant. It is running tests on Korea’s first 5.5MW floating wind turbine system. The institute is fulfilling renewable energy supply goals and lowering greenhouses gases by developing annual wave power analysis and integrated performance analysis software, as well as core technology for new desalination-cooling processes.
Detailed Research Topics
- Development of commercialization model of ESS-based oscillating water column wave power generation
- Development of commercialization model of ocean thermal energy conversion by applying environment-friendly refrigerant
- Development of commercialization technology for desalination-cooling complex plant by applying high-efficiency adsorbent
- Development of integrated wave power generation performance analysis program for the annual power generation prediction and design optimization
- Development and demonstration of 5.5 MW floating wind turbine system
Research Facility
Ocean Engineering Basin
Enables simulation of realistic maritime environment, including waves, wind, and currents, for maneuverability and stability test of ships and offshore structures and performance assessment of maritime equipment.
Deep Ocean Engineering Research Center
Performance evaluation and verification of ships and offshore structures through reproduction of the deep sea environment
Seawater heat source intake facility
Wave Energy Test Site
The Wave Energy Test Site provides the infrastructure and environmental data needed to conduct a wave energy test in the sea and simplifies the licensing of the test to reduce the time and expense required for the demonstration, facilitating the development and commercialization of wave power generation.