추코트와 보퍼트 해에서 계측된 해빙 두께와 건현과의 관계Relation Between Measured Sea Ice Thickness and Freeboard on Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
- Other Titles
- Relation Between Measured Sea Ice Thickness and Freeboard on Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
- Authors
- 정성엽; 최경식; 조성락; 강국진; 이춘주
- Issue Date
- 2014
- Publisher
- 한국해양공학회
- Keywords
- Sea ice thickness 해빙 두께; Freeboard 눈 두께 제외한 해빙의 표면에서 해수면까지의 깊이; Hydrostatic equilibrium 정역학적 평형
- Citation
- 한국해양공학회지, v.28, no.6, pp 527 - 532
- Pages
- 6
- Journal Title
- 한국해양공학회지
- Volume
- 28
- Number
- 6
- Start Page
- 527
- End Page
- 532
- https://www.kriso.re.kr/sciwatch/handle/2021.sw.kriso/878
- 1225-0767
- Abstract
- The thickness of Arctic sea ice is a particularly significant factor in Arctic shipping and other ice-related research areas such asscientific sea ice investigations and Arctic engineering. In this study, the relation between the measured sea ice thickness and freeboard on theChukchi and Beaufort Seas during the 2010 and 2011 Arctic cruise of the icebreaking research vessel "Araon" were considered. An assumption ofhydrostatic equilibrium was used to estimate the ice thickness as a function of the freeboard. Then, to examine the degree of error, a sensitivityanalysis of the thickness estimation of the sea ice was conducted. The error in the density and depth of the snow and the error in the density ofthe seawater were subordinate parameters, but the density of the ice and the freeboard were the primary parameters in the error calculation. Thepresented relation formula showed fairly close agreement between the calculated and measured results at a freeboard of >0.24 m.
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