Weather-optimal control of a dynamic positioning vessel using backstepping: simulation and model experiment
- Authors
- Kim, Y.-S.; Kim, J.; Sung, H.-G.
- Issue Date
- 2016
- Publisher
- Elsevier B.V.
- Keywords
- Backstepping control; Dynamic positioning; Task space; Weather-optimal control
- Citation
- IFAC-PapersOnLine, v.49, no.23, pp 232 - 238
- Pages
- 7
- Journal Title
- IFAC-PapersOnLine
- Volume
- 49
- Number
- 23
- Start Page
- 232
- End Page
- 238
- 10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.10.348
- 2405-8963
- Abstract
- This paper discusses the optimal weathervaning control of a dynamic positioning (DP) vessel, where the vessel is aligned toward an optimal direction for zero resultant moment due to wind, wave, and current forces while maintaining a fixed position. Specifically, a nonlinear backstepping technique is used to design a weather-optimal controller in task space. This approach does not require direct measurement or estimation of environmental forces, which allows for the design of a simple and effective control system. Simulations and experiments were conducted with a model ship, and some preliminary results are presented. ? 2016
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