Assessment of environmental load of FLBT in multi-body condition
- Authors
- Jung, D.W.; Jung, J.H.; Jung, H.W.; Park, B.W.; Cho, S.K.; Jung, D.H.; Sung, H.G.
- Issue Date
- 2018
- Publisher
- International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers
- Keywords
- CFD; Current load; FLBT (Floating LNG Bunkering Terminal); Multi-body; Ocean engineering basin; Wind load; Wind tunnel test
- Citation
- 13th ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, PACOMS 2018, pp 399 - 404
- Pages
- 6
- Journal Title
- 13th ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium, PACOMS 2018
- Start Page
- 399
- End Page
- 404
- 0000-0000
- Abstract
- For the conceptual design of Floating LNG Bunkering Terminal (FLBT), three vessels with different LNG cargo capacity can be side by side moored to FLBT. For the purpose of designing the mooring line and dynamic positioning (DP) system for FLBT, the environmental load must be taken into account during the initial design phase. In order to obtain the wind and current load coefficients, wind tunnel tests for vessels in multi-body arrangement were carried out at FORCE Technology. In case of current load, additional model tests were performed in the ocean engineering basin at the Korean Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering (KRISO). Furthermore, the wave drift force was measured in the basin tests by simulating the regular wave conditions. Overall results were compared and contrasted with CFD results to analyze the validity of obtained results. Finally, total environmental loads acting on the FLBT were calculated from the loads acting on each of the floating bodies to evaluate the DP capability and mooring line analysis. Copyright ? 2018 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers
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