Molecular beam epitaxy growth of GaN films on a tungsten carbide/Si template
- Authors
- Cho, Sungmin; Choi, Sungkuk; Cho, Youngji; Lee, Sangtae; Lee, Moonjin; Chang, Jiho
- Issue Date
- 1-3월-2018
- Publisher
- Keywords
- Gas-source molecular beam epitaxy; Gallium nitride; Silicon; Tungsten carbide; Buffer layer
- Citation
- THIN SOLID FILMS, v.649, pp 232 - 236
- Pages
- 5
- Journal Title
- Volume
- 649
- Start Page
- 232
- End Page
- 236
- 10.1016/j.tsf.2018.01.057
- 0040-6090
- Abstract
- This study examined the growth of GaN layers by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) using a tungsten carbide (WC) buffer sputtered on a Si(111) surface. The chemical stability of the WC layer against the Ga-Si interaction was verified experimentally. A low-temperature (LT) buffer is essential for the growth of single-crystal-quality, high-temperature gallium nitride (HT-GaN) on a WC surface. In addition, dislocation termination techniques, such as interface formation and the annealing of the buffer layer, were adopted to improve the crystalline quality. The HT-GaN sample grown on the annealed double-buffer-layer (AlN/GaN) revealed an X-ray diffraction full-width at half maximum, Hall carrier density, and carrier mobility of 2260 arcsecs, 4.39x10(18) cm(3), and 19.4 cm(2)/Vs, respectively. The crystalline quality of the GaN layer is discussed in comparison with previously reported GaN/sapphire samples.
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