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국지적 대기 변화로 인한 네트워크 내에 대류권 지연 오차의 변칙 분석

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dc.description.abstractTo improve accuracy of precise positioning systems, DGPS (Differential Global Positioning System) using carrier phase measurement, such as RTK (Real Time Kinematic), HADGPS (High Accuracy DGPS) broadcasts the correction data from the reference station. At this time, a fixed position of the reference station is known and the correction data is generated by distances between the positions indicated by the satellite systems and the known fixed position. The correction data is typically broadcasted locally over transmitters of shorter range, and receiver may correct their measured ranges by the correction data. The basic concept of DGPS is that there is higher ratio to cross remove the common errors as the rover is closer to the reference station. Therefore, the correction performance of this concept is dependent of the distance between the reference station and rover, called the baseline. But the construction of a network can improve the limitation by baseline such as the network RTK. On network-based DGPS, to service the high-quality correction for the rover within the network’s coverage, the error components on reference stations are known and the spatially correlated errors such as the ionosphere, troposphere and orbit errors are corrected on the assumption that it has linearity characteristics by distance between the short-range reference stations within the network. But this is mere hypothesis, and this assumptionce station. At this time, a fixed position of the reference station is known and the correction data is generated by distances between the positions indicated by the satellite systems and the known fixed position. The correction data is typically broadcasted locally over transmitters of shorter range, and receiver may correct their measured ranges by the correction data. The basic concept of DGPS is that there is higher ratio to cross remove the common errors as the rover is closer to the reference station. Therefore, the correction performance of this concept is dependent of the distance between the reference station and rover, called the baseline. But the construction of a network can improve the limitation by baseline such as the network RTK. On network-based DGPS, to service the high-quality correction for the rover within the network’s coverage, the error components on reference stations are known and the spatially correlated errors such as the ionosphere, troposphere and orbit errors are corrected on the assumption that it has linearity characteristics by distance between the short-range reference stations within the network. But this is mere hypothesis, and this assumptio-
dc.title국지적 대기 변화로 인한 네트워크 내에 대류권 지연 오차의 변칙 분석-
dc.title.alternativeAn Analysis for Irregularity of Tropospheric Delay Error Between Network Stations During Local Atmospheric Change-
dc.citation.titleION ITM 2014-
dc.citation.conferenceNameION ITM 2014-
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