Numerical Simulations of Viscous Flows around Impulsive Started Bodies by Lagrangian Vortex Method보텍스방법을 이용한 순간출발하는 물체주변의 점성유동 수치모사
- Other Titles
- 보텍스방법을 이용한 순간출발하는 물체주변의 점성유동 수치모사
- Authors
- 김광수; 유재훈; 서정천
- Issue Date
- 1-11월-2005
- Publisher
- 한국해양연구원 해양시스템안전연구소
- Keywords
- Lagrangian vortex method; panel method; impusively started hydrofoil; angle of attack
- Citation
- 선박해양기술, v.40, no.2, pp 123 - 132
- Pages
- 10
- Journal Title
- 선박해양기술
- Volume
- 40
- Number
- 2
- Start Page
- 123
- End Page
- 132
- Abstract
- This paper is concerned with the simulation of 2D incompressible unsteady viscous flows past bodies, using the vorticity formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations. A Lagrangian vortex method is implemented to solve the vorticity transport equation with a vorticity boundary condition. The Biot-Savart integral is used to compute the velocity field from a vorticity distribution over a fluid domain. The vorticity boundary condition is improved by the use of an iteration scheme connected with the well-established panel method. In the early stages of development of flows past an impulsively started hydrofoil with varying angles of attack, the computational results obtained by the Lagrangian vortex method are compared with the experimental results observed by Huang et al.
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