개선된 HRIC VOF 법에 의한 자유수면 유동해석Numerical Simulation of Free Surface Flow Using a Refined HRIC VOF Method
- Other Titles
- Numerical Simulation of Free Surface Flow Using a Refined HRIC VOF Method
- Authors
- 박일룡; 김광수; 김진; 반석호
- Issue Date
- 2010
- Publisher
- 대한조선학회
- Keywords
- VOF method(VOF법); High resolution differencing(HR차분); Interface advection (경계면 이송); Dam-break(댐붕괴); CFD(전산유체역학); Validation(검증)
- Citation
- 대한조선학회 논문집, v.47, no.3, pp 279 - 290
- Pages
- 12
- Journal Title
- 대한조선학회 논문집
- Volume
- 47
- Number
- 3
- Start Page
- 279
- End Page
- 290
- https://www.kriso.re.kr/sciwatch/handle/2021.sw.kriso/1203
- 1225-1143
- Abstract
- In this paper, a VOF method called RHRIC (refined high resolution interface capturing) is introduced for solving the motion of the free surface and applied to the simulation of the advection of rigid interfaces of different shapes and a 2D dam-break problem, which are typical benchmark test cases. The numerical results for the interface advection cases are compared to the analytic solutions, while the available experimental data and other numerical results of various free surface methods for the dam-break problem are provided for the validation of the proposed VOF method. The same simulations were also carried out using the original HRIC scheme and a modified HRIC scheme called MHRIC for comparison. Although the RHRIC uses a simple order scheme, a basis of the original HRIC scheme, lower than the third-order ULTIMATE QUICKEST used by the MHRIC, it provides an improved accuracy over the two previous HRIC methods.
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