An Approximation of Generalized Torques by the Hydrodynamic forces acting on Legs of Underwater Walking Robot
- Authors
- 전봉환; 심형원; 이판묵
- Issue Date
- 1-12월-2011
- Publisher
- 한국해양공학회
- Keywords
- Crabster; generalized torques; hydrodynamic forces; underwater walking robot
- Citation
- International Journal of Ocean System Engineering, v.1, no.4, pp 221 - 228
- Pages
- 8
- Journal Title
- International Journal of Ocean System Engineering
- Volume
- 1
- Number
- 4
- Start Page
- 221
- End Page
- 228
- 10.5574/IJOSE.2011.1.4.221
- Abstract
- In this paper, we present a concept of an underwater walking robot Crabsterincluding the main missions of the robot. The main focus is on the modeling of drag and
lift forces on the legs of the robot, which makes main deference of dynamic characteristics between the on-land and underwater. Drag and lift forces acting on the
underwater link are described as a function of relative velocity of link with respect to
the fluid using strip theory. By describing the translational velocity of link as
rotational velocity of joint, we describe the drag force as a function of joint
variables. Generalized drag torque is successfully derived from the drag force as a
function of generalized variables and its first derivative, even though the arm has roll
joint and twist angles between joints. To verify the proposed model, we conducted drag
torque simulations with simple scara robot example.e of dynamic
characteristics between the on-land and underwater. Drag and lift forces acting on the
underwater link are described as a function of relative velocity of link with respect to
the fluid using strip theory. By describing the translational velocity of link as
rotational velocity of joint, we describe the drag force as a function of joint
variables. Generalized drag torque is successfully derived from the drag force as a
function of generalized variables and its first derivative, even though the arm has roll
joint and twist angles between joints. To verify the proposed model, we conducted drag
torque simulations with simple scara robot example.
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