- E 2287-4364 | P 1975-8359 | 1975-8359
Listed on(Coverage)
SJR | 2008-2019 |
CiteScore | 2011-2019 |
SCOPUS | 2017-2020 |
KCI(Ranking) | 2009-2019 |
KCI | 2001-2021 |
KCI(Candidate) | 1999-2000 |
Aime & Scopes
- The first issue of The Transctions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers(KIEE) was in March 1947.The Transactions of the KIEE is a monthly periodical published on the 1st day of each month.
KIEE is an official publication of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers. The aim of the journal is to publish the highest quzlity manuscripts dedicated to the advancement of electrical engineering technologies. The Journal contains papers related to electrical power engineering, electrical machinery and energy conversion systems, electrophysics and application, information and controls, as well as electrical facilities.