Smart Structures and Systems, An International Journal
Journal Title
- Smart Structures and Systems, An International Journal
- E 1738-1584 | P 1738-1584 | 1738-1991 | 1738-1584
- 국제구조공학회
- International Association of Structural Engineering And Mechanics
Listed on(Coverage)
JCR | 2005-2019 |
SJR | 2007-2019 |
CiteScore | 2011-2019 |
SCIE | 2010-2021 |
CC | 2016-2021 |
SCOPUS | 2017-2020 |
KCI(Ranking) | 2009-2019 |
KCI | 2013-2020 |
KCI(Candidate) | 2005-2013 |