International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management
Journal Title
- International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management
- E 1742-7975 | P 1742-7967 | 1742-7975 | 1742-7967
- Inderscience Enterprises
- Inderscience
Listed on(Coverage)
SJR | 2005-2019 |
CiteScore | 2011-2019 |
SCOPUS | 2017-2020 |
Aime & Scopes
- IJLSM addresses the development of logistics resources, emphasising the implications that logistics strategies and systems have on organisational productivity and competitiveness in global and electronic markets. Globalisation of markets and logistics services is closely related to the success of a company. This perspective indicates the importance of effective logistics systems and their management for organisational effectiveness and competitiveness. The journal intends to provide executives and academics with the state of the art of logistics systems and supply chain management.