운항조건에서 11,000TEU 컨테이너선의 소요마력 저감을 위한 트림변화 연구A Study on Trim Variation to Reduce the Required Power of 11,000TEU Container Ship in Operation Condition
- Other Titles
- A Study on Trim Variation to Reduce the Required Power of 11,000TEU Container Ship in Operation Condition
- Authors
- 이준형; 천장호; 김명수; 박범진; 유용완; 이영연; 안해성; 김영선; 임일진
- Issue Date
- 6월-2021
- Publisher
- 대한조선학회
- Keywords
- Operation condition(운항조건); Container ship(컨테이너선); Trim variation(트림변화); Required power(소요마력)
- Citation
- 대한조선학회 논문집, v.58, no.3, pp 198 - 205
- Pages
- 8
- Journal Title
- 대한조선학회 논문집
- Volume
- 58
- Number
- 3
- Start Page
- 198
- End Page
- 205
- https://www.kriso.re.kr/sciwatch/handle/2021.sw.kriso/9530
- 10.3744/SNAK.2021.58.3.198
- 1225-1143
- Abstract
- In this paper, the effect of trim variation on the required power of 11,000TEU container ship was investigated under conditions considering the actual operation speed and draft. For each draft condition, the effective power (PE) and delivered power (PD) trends were investigated with changes in trim and ship speed. At this time, the displacement volume was fixed same as the value of the even trim condition and the both sinkage at the fore and after perpendicular are confirmed. The test ship speeds were determined by considering the operating speed. Both numerical and experimental methods were used to analyze the effects of trim variation. Numerical analysis results were used for evaluating the resistance performance, and the self-propulsion performance was estimated using experimental data obtained from model test.
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