병렬계류된 FSRU와 LNGC에 관한 수치해석 비교연구Benchmark Study of Numerical Analysis on the Side-by-Side moored FSRU and LNGC
- Other Titles
- Benchmark Study of Numerical Analysis on the Side-by-Side moored FSRU and LNGC
- Authors
- 조석규; 성홍근; 김철현; 정현수; 홍장표
- Issue Date
- 1월-2012
- Publisher
- 한국해양연구원
- Keywords
- FSRU; LNGC; side-by-side; Gap flow; Benchmark Study
- Citation
- 선박해양기술, v.51, no.1, pp 23 - 30
- Pages
- 8
- Journal Title
- 선박해양기술
- Volume
- 51
- Number
- 1
- Start Page
- 23
- End Page
- 30
- https://www.kriso.re.kr/sciwatch/handle/2021.sw.kriso/9444
- Abstract
- The characteristics of side-by-side moored FSRU and LNGC are studied by linear potential
method;MLINHYDH, WADAM and Hydrostar. The hydrodynamic interaction in gap between FSRU
and LNGC is analyzed and the effect on the hydrodynamic coefficients, motions, exciting
forces and drift forces is investigated. The added mass, damping, motions, exciting
forces and drift forces show the different characteristics at gap resonance region
according to methods; space dicretization order and gap modeling method.ficients, motions, exciting forces and drift forces is investigated. The added mass, damping, motions, exciting forces and drift forces show the different characteristics at gap resonance region according to methods; space dicretization order and gap modeling method.
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Collections - 친환경해양개발연구본부 > 심해공학연구센터 > Journal Articles

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