Oil spill detection sensor using aritificial illumination with blue LEDs
- Authors
- Oh, S.; Lee, M.
- Issue Date
- 2012
- Citation
- Proceedings of IEEE Sensors
- Journal Title
- Proceedings of IEEE Sensors
- https://www.kriso.re.kr/sciwatch/handle/2021.sw.kriso/8802
- 10.1109/ICSENS.2012.6411264
- 0000-0000
- Abstract
- In this study, a new optical method for oil detection using the analysis of a light-absorption image of separate oil-water mixtures with artificial illumination is described. To obtain information about the presence of oil on water and the thickness of oil, the intensity of light-absorption images acquired through a CCD is analyzed. To select the optimal wavelength of the light source, an experiment is conducted using several LEDs with four different wavelengths. Using a blue LED with 465-nm wavelength, the tendency for intensity decreasing of the lightabsorption image is clear. Through this research, new optical oil detection methodology is proposed using the absorption difference between water and oil with a light source of specific wavelength and a CCD sensor. ? 2012 IEEE.
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