FPSO 안정성 평가를 위한 절단계류선 모델링 수치 연구Numerical Study on Designing Truncated Mooring Lines for FPSO Stability Analysis
- Other Titles
- Numerical Study on Designing Truncated Mooring Lines for FPSO Stability Analysis
- Authors
- 김윤호; 조석규; 성홍근; 서장훈; 서용석
- Issue Date
- 2014
- Publisher
- 한국해양공학회
- Keywords
- Truncated mooring lines 절단계류선; Turret 터렛; Static load optimization 정적 힘 최적화; Dynamic response optimization 동적 응답 최적화; Coupled analysis 연성해석
- Citation
- 한국해양공학회지, v.28, no.5, pp 387 - 395
- Pages
- 9
- Journal Title
- 한국해양공학회지
- Volume
- 28
- Number
- 5
- Start Page
- 387
- End Page
- 395
- https://www.kriso.re.kr/sciwatch/handle/2021.sw.kriso/864
- 1225-0767
- Abstract
- In this paper, a numerical analysis for an internal turret moored vessel located at a 400-m water depth is conducted. The targetvessel has an internal turret that is located at the 0.2 Lpp position from the fore-side, with 3 × 4 complex mooring lines installed around the turretcircumference. To investigate the motion response of the vessel and the structural reliability of the lines, model tests were conducted. The KRISOocean basin has a water depth of 3.2 m, which represents 192m using a scaling of 1:60. In order to precisely represent the real-scale condition,equivalent mooring lines needed to be designed. Truncated mooring lines were designed to supplement the restriction of the flume's water depth andincrease the reliability of the model testing. These truncated mooring lines were composed of two different chains in order to match the pre-tension,simultaneously restoring the curve and variation in the effective line tension. The static similarities were compared using a static pull-out test andfree decaying test, and the dynamic similarities were matched via a regular wave test and combined environments test. Consequently, the designedtruncated mooring system could represent the prototype mooring system relatively well in the aspects of kinematics and dynamics.
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