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Precise point positioning/magnetic compass integrated robust wave level application for long period wave detection in Buoy's wind up

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dc.contributor.authorPark, S.G.-
dc.contributor.authorPark, S.H.-
dc.contributor.authorFang, T.H.-
dc.contributor.authorCho, D.J.-
dc.description.abstractRecently, there are many applications for detection wave level on the buoy. However, accurate and prccisc determination of sea surface height and long term attainability of the s>stcm are prerequisites for long period wave detection on the wave level buoy, and normally GPS(Global Positioning System) based system satisfies these conditions. Especially, wave level application using PPP(Prccise Point Poisitioning) make up for RTK(Real-Timc Kinematic? GPS disadvantages that the operating range of positioning is dependent on the existing atmospheric conditions and is usually limited to a distance of up to 10-20 km(l). Wave level application developed by KRISCX Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering) can dctcct long penod wave in the ocean, using GPS'tnagnetic compass integrated navigation system. However, depending on the weather conditions and state of sea, buoy moves tlie position and turn on a yaw axis. This adversely affect prccisc positioning navigatwn which uses earner phase, bccause GPS satellites transmit L-hand signals which arc right- Hand circularly polamcd(RHCP>(l] The measured carrier phase, therefore, varies when the receiving and/or transmitting antennas change their relative orientation This effect is known as carrier phase wind-up{2). The receiver's wind-up affects carrier phase'? range error and continues to remain unul missed signals. Although one cycle of earner phase is short, such as 19cm and 24cm in distance units on LI and L2 respectively, wave level application which requires cm-level prccisc positioning for long period wave detection is remarkably influenced by receiver's wind-n> Simon Banvile and Gui Tang showed that measurements has a strong correlation with the rotations of receiver antenna Additionally, to overcome this problem, the usefulness of the decoupled clock model has been demonstrated |3]. However, this experiment has been carried out in static position, but not in dynamic position Wave level application developed by KRISO compensates receiver's wind-up using the magnetic compass on the dynamic buoy and outcomes prccisc positioning results using PPP. Eventually, it provides accuratc wave level information. To validate wave level application for long period detection in the real sea, experiment had been carried out at one kilometer away from Jukhcon-port in South Korea. For comparison of wave level results, commcrcial wave level buoy of KMA<Korca Meteorological Administration) is u?:d. On July 4th. 2014, beaufort scale recorded 4 that means moderate breeze and sea conditions are small waves with breaking crests and fairly frequent whitecaps, and average wave level is 1.2m, as well as maximum wave level is 2.4m respectively via KMA's. Rotations in yaw axis occurred up to 15 times during 30 minutes regardless directions and removed from measurement using magnetic compass. In the result, it seems like the resulted wave level of KRISO's buoy is approximately equal to the significant wave level and the maximum wave level in commercial buoy. In regards to small errors at the result, it considers that the errors include accelerometer errors from commercial buoy. As a means of experiment, long period wave over 300 seconds generated by a simulator was added to measure wave level. Accordingly, the long period waves can be detected by KRISO's wave level application. In conclusion, Recently, although the number of GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System) based applications carrying long period wave detection are growing, most of them does not operate carrier phase error compensation from the receiver's wind-up. Before the compensation, measurement errors make big errors for precise detection of long period wave. In this reason, this paper proposed the receiver's wind-up compensation using magnetic compass. For the experiment, the application validates lor detection of long period wave in the environment occurring frequent rotation of buoy. Because the long period waves did not happen during the experiment, the simulator generated wave over 300 seconds period. As a result, the long period waves were detected.-
dc.publisherInstitute of Navigation-
dc.titlePrecise point positioning/magnetic compass integrated robust wave level application for long period wave detection in Buoy's wind up-
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitation28th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, ION GNSS 2015, v.2, pp 979 - 986-
dc.citation.title28th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, ION GNSS 2015-
dc.type.docTypeConference Paper-
dc.subject.keywordPlusCompasses (magnetic)-
dc.subject.keywordPlusError compensation-
dc.subject.keywordPlusNavigation systems-
dc.subject.keywordPlusOcean engineering-
dc.subject.keywordPlusReceiving antennas-
dc.subject.keywordPlusSatellite antennas-
dc.subject.keywordPlusSignal detection-
dc.subject.keywordPlusSurface waters-
dc.subject.keywordPlusTracking (position)-
dc.subject.keywordPlusAtmospheric conditions-
dc.subject.keywordPlusGlobal Navigation Satellite Systems-
dc.subject.keywordPlusGps (global positioning system)-
dc.subject.keywordPlusIntegrated navigation systems-
dc.subject.keywordPlusPrecise point positioning-
dc.subject.keywordPlusRelative orientation-
dc.subject.keywordPlusResearch institutes-
dc.subject.keywordPlusTransmitting antenna-
dc.subject.keywordPlusGlobal positioning system-
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