Eddy current loss analysis of slotless double-sided cored type permanent magnet generator by using analytical method
- Authors
- Jang, G.-H.; Jung, K.-H.; Hong, K.; Kim, K.-H.; Choi, J.-Y.
- Issue Date
- 2016
- Publisher
- Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
- Keywords
- Analytical solution; Armature reaction filed; Eddy-current loss; Finite element method; Permanent magnet linear generator; Space harmonic method
- Citation
- Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, v.65, no.10, pp 1639 - 1647
- Pages
- 9
- Journal Title
- Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
- Volume
- 65
- Number
- 10
- Start Page
- 1639
- End Page
- 1647
- https://www.kriso.re.kr/sciwatch/handle/2021.sw.kriso/741
- 10.5370/KIEE.2016.65.10.1639
- 1975-8359
- Abstract
- This paper deals with eddy current loss analysis of Slotless Double sided Cored type permanent magnet linear generator by using analytical method, space harmonic method. In order to calculate eddy current, this paper derives analytical solution by the Maxwell equation, magnetic vector potential, Faraday's law and a two-dimensional(2-D) cartesian coordinate system. First, we derived the armature reaction field distribution produced by armature wingding current. Second, by using derived armature reaction field solution, the analytical solution for eddy current density distribution are also obtained. Finally, the analytical solution for eddy current loss induced in permanent magnets(PMs) are derived by using equivalent, electrical resistance calculated from PMs volume and eddy current density distribution solution. The analytical result from space harmonic method are validated extensively by comparing with finite element method(FEM). ? The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers.
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