수심 2000m 용 두꺼운 내압용기의 설계, 구조해석과 내압시험The Design, Structural Analysis and High Pressure Chamber Test of a Thick Pressure Cylinder for 2000 m Water Depth
- Other Titles
- The Design, Structural Analysis and High Pressure Chamber Test of a Thick Pressure Cylinder for 2000 m Water Depth
- Authors
- 최혁진; 이재환; 김진민; 이승국; 아코마링
- Issue Date
- 2016
- Publisher
- 대한조선학회
- Keywords
- 외압용기; 구조설계; 유한요소해석; 보일러 압력용기 규정; 압력챔버; 수압시험; External pressure vessel; Structural design; FEM; ASME BPVC VIII; Pressure chamber; Hydrostatic pressure test
- Citation
- 대한조선학회 논문집, v.53, no.2, pp 144 - 153
- Pages
- 10
- Journal Title
- 대한조선학회 논문집
- Volume
- 53
- Number
- 2
- Start Page
- 144
- End Page
- 153
- https://www.kriso.re.kr/sciwatch/handle/2021.sw.kriso/730
- 1225-1143
- Abstract
- This paper aims to demonstrate the design, structure analysis, and hydrostatic pressure test of the cylinder used in 2000m water depth. The cylinder was designed in accordance with ASME pressure vessel design rule. The 1.5 times safety factor required by the general rule was applied to the design of the cylinder, because ASME rule is so excessive that it is not proper to apply to the hydrostatic pressure test. The finite element analysis was conducted for the cylinder. The cylinder was produced according to the design. The hydrostatic pressure test was conducted at the hyperbaric chamber in KRISO. The results of finite element analysis(FEM) and those of the hydrostatic pressure test were almost the same, which showed that the design was exact and reliable.
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