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A Study on the Effect of Sloshing on the Roll Motion of a 2D Rectangular Box in Regular Waves

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dc.description.abstractIn this paper, the sloshing effect on the roll motion of a two-dimensional rectangular box in regular waves is studied experimentally and numerically. First, we carry out experiments for a rectangular model with different filling ratios in a 2D flume. The roll motion is measured by a video camera, which can trace two different marks on the model very accurately. The steady-state roll motion is filtered out by a post process. It is found experimentally that the roll response shows a peak at the roll natural frequency and an abrupt change but with a small magnitude at the lowest sloshing natural frequency. The multi-modal method is applied to describe the free surface in the box and the resulting sloshing moment is estimated numerically. The roll motion of the model is calculated by using an in- house code based on the linear potential theory. It is found that the leading-order solution over predicts the roll motion at the sloshing natural frequencies compared to the experimental data. The next-order method gives an improved solution at the second sloshing natural frequency, but still over predicts at the lowest sloshing natural frequency. In addition, accurate estimation of viscous damping is critical to the reasonable solution. in a 2D flume. The roll motion is measured by a video camera, which can trace two different marks on the model very accurately. The steady-state roll motion is filtered out by a post process. It is found experimentally that the roll response shows a peak at the roll natural frequency and an abrupt change but with a small magnitude at the lowest sloshing natural frequency. The multi-modal method is applied to describe the free surface in the box and the resulting sloshing moment is estimated numerically. The roll motion of the model is calculated by using an in- house code based on the linear potential theory. It is found that the leading-order solution over predicts the roll motion at the sloshing natu-
dc.titleA Study on the Effect of Sloshing on the Roll Motion of a 2D Rectangular Box in Regular Waves-
dc.title.alternativeA Study on the Effect of Sloshing on the Roll Motion of a 2D Rectangular Box in Regular Waves-
dc.citation.title22nd(2012) International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference-
dc.citation.conferenceName22nd(2012) International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference-
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친환경해양개발연구본부 > 친환경연료추진연구센터 > Conference Papers
친환경해양개발연구본부 > 심해공학연구센터 > Conference Papers


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