고 레이놀즈 수에서의 축대칭 몰수체의 거칠기에 대한 수치연구Numerical Study on Roughness Effect for Axi-symmetry Submerged Body in High Reynolds Number
- Other Titles
- Numerical Study on Roughness Effect for Axi-symmetry Submerged Body in High Reynolds Number
- Authors
- 정태환; 송형도; 염종길; 송성진; 박선호
- Issue Date
- 2018
- Publisher
- 해양환경안전학회
- Keywords
- 고 레이놀즈수; 축대칭 몰수체; 전산유체역학; 마찰저항; 오픈폼; 표면거칠기; 벽함수; y+ 값; High Reynolds numbers; Axi-symmetry submerged body; Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD); Friction resistance; OpenFOAM; Surface roughness; Wall function; y+ value
- Citation
- 해양환경안전학회지, v.24, no.2, pp 246 - 252
- Pages
- 7
- Journal Title
- 해양환경안전학회지
- Volume
- 24
- Number
- 2
- Start Page
- 246
- End Page
- 252
- https://www.kriso.re.kr/sciwatch/handle/2021.sw.kriso/508
- 10.7837/kosomes.2018.24.2.246
- 1229-3431
- Abstract
- In this paper, the friction drag force of 3D submerged body is investigated by considering the surface roughness, the first grid height, and the Reynolds number using open CFD source code, OpenFOAM 4.0. A procedure for estimating drag components by CFD code is set up and suggested in this study. In the 3D submerged body, because of the form factor in the 3D computations, the friction resistance with the small roughness of 12 ㎛ obtains different result with the smooth wall. As the Reynolds number increased, the boundary layer becomes thinner and the fiction resistance tends to decrease. In the computations for the effect of y+, the friction resistance and wall shear stress are excessively predicted when the y+ value deviates from the log layer. This is presumably because the boundary layer becomes thicker and the turbulence energy is excessively predicted in the nose due to the increase in y+ value. As the roughness increases, the boundary layer becomes thicker and the turbulence kinetic energy on the surface increases. From this study, the drag estimation method, considering the roughness by numerical analysis for ships or offshore structures, can be provided by using the suggested the y+ value and surface roughness with wall function.
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