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Precise Point Positioning_Magnetic Compass Integrated Robust Wave Level Application for Long Period Wave Detection in Buoy’s Wind-up

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dc.description.abstractRecently, there are many applications for detection wave level on the buoy. However, accurate and precise determination of sea surface height and long term sustainability of the system are prerequisites for long period wave detection on the wave level buoy, and normally GPS(Global Positioning System) based system satisfies these conditions. Especially, wave level application using PPP(Precise Point Poisitioning) make up for RTK(Real-Time Kinematic) GPS disadvantages that theoperating range of positioning is dependent on the existing atmospheric conditions and is usually limited to a distance of up to 10-20 km[1]. Wave level application developed by KRISO(Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering) can detect long period wave in the ocean, using GPS/magnetic compass integrated navigation system. However, depending on the weather conditions and state of sea, buoy moves the position and turn on a yaw axis. This adversely affect precise positioning navigation which uses carrier phase, because GPS satellites transmit L-band signals which are right-hand circularly polarized(RHCP)[1]. The measured carrier phase, therefore, varies when the receiving and/or transmitting antennas change their relative orientation. This effect is known as carrier phase wind-up wave level buoy, and normally GPS(Global Positioning System) based system satisfies these conditions. Especially, wave level application using PPP(Precise Point Poisitioning) make up for RTK(Real-Time Kinematic) GPS disadvantages that theoperating range of positioning is dependent on the existing atmospheric conditions and is usually limited to a distance of up to 10-20 km[1]. Wave level application developed by KRISO(Korea Research Institute of Ships & Ocean Engineering) can detect long period wave in the ocean, using GPS/magnetic compass integrated navigation system. However, depending on the weather conditions and state of sea, buoy moves the position and turn on a yaw axis. This adversely affect precise positioning navigation which uses carrier phase, because GPS satellites transmit L-band signals which are right-hand circularly polarized(RHCP)[1]. The measured carrier phase, therefore, varies when the receiving and/or transmitting antennas change their relative orientation. This effect is known as carrier phase wind-up-
dc.titlePrecise Point Positioning_Magnetic Compass Integrated Robust Wave Level Application for Long Period Wave Detection in Buoy’s Wind-up-
dc.title.alternativePrecise Point Positioning_Magnetic Compass Integrated Robust Wave Level Application for Long Period Wave Detection in Buoy’s Wind-up-
dc.citation.titleION GNSS+ 2015-
dc.citation.conferenceNameION GNSS+ 2015-
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해양공공디지털연구본부 > 해사디지털서비스연구센터 > Conference Papers


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