HC-DSSE 조합 파단 변형률 정식화에 기반한 선박해양 구조물용 강재의 연성 파단 예측Ductile Fracture of a Marine Structural Steel based on HC-DSSE Combined Fracture Strain Formulation
- Other Titles
- Ductile Fracture of a Marine Structural Steel based on HC-DSSE Combined Fracture Strain Formulation
- Authors
- 박성주; 이강수; 체릭부락잔; 김영훈; 정준모
- Issue Date
- 2019
- Publisher
- 대한조선학회
- Keywords
- Ductile fracture (연성 파단); Swift-Voce constitutive equation (Swift-Voce 구성 방정식); Hosford-Coulomb fracture strain model (Hosford-Coulomb 파단 변형률 모델); DSSE fracture strain model (DSSE 파단 변형률 모델); Stress triaxiality (응력 삼축비); Lode angle parameter (로드각 파라미터); Accumulated damage (누적 손상)
- Citation
- 대한조선학회 논문집, v.56, no.1, pp 82 - 93
- Pages
- 12
- Journal Title
- 대한조선학회 논문집
- Volume
- 56
- Number
- 1
- Start Page
- 82
- End Page
- 93
- https://www.kriso.re.kr/sciwatch/handle/2021.sw.kriso/400
- 10.3744/SNAK.2019.56.1.082
- 1225-1143
- Abstract
- In this paper, the ductile fracture criteria for a marine structural steel (EH36) are presented and validated. The theoretical background of the recently developed Hosford-Coulomb (HC) fracture strain model and the DSSE fracture strain model which was developed to apply to the shell elements is described. In order to accurately estimate the flow stress in the large strain range up to the fracture, the material constants for the combined Swift-Voce constitutive equation were derived by the numerical analyses of the smooth and notched specimens made from the EH36 steel. As a result of applying the Swift-Voce flow stress to the other notched specimen model, a very accurate load - displacement curve could be derived. The material constants of the HC fracture strain and DSSE fracture strain models were independently calibrated based on the numerical analyses for the smooth and notch specimen tests. The user subroutine (VUMAT of Abaqus) was developed to verify the accuracy of the combined HC-DSSE fracture strain model. An asymmetric notch specimen was used as verification model. It was confirmed that the fracture of the asymmetric specimen can be accurately predicted when a very small solid elements are used together with the HC fracture strain model. On the other hand, the combined HC-DSSE fracture strain model can predict accurately the fracture of shell element model while the shell element size effect becomes less sensitive.
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