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OTEC을 이용한 개발도상 도서국가의 지속가능개발 지원-키리바시 사례연구-

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dc.contributor.authorMichale G Petterson-
dc.description.abstractOTEC has the ability to help create a step change in social and economic development for Kiribati. Kiribati has a population of c. 116,000 of which c. 50,000 live in the capital township atoll of South Tarawa. The OTEC plant will serve the population of South Tarawa. Kiribati is a Micronesian country within the Pacific Island region (other countries are Melanesian, e.g. Vanuatu, or Polynesian, e.g. Tonga). The Pacific Island countries are spread across an ocean area approximately equal to the size of Africa (some 30 million square kilometres). Micronesian countries such as Kiribati, Tuvalu, and Marshall Islands are, in terms of land area, and population, the smallest of small island states. These countries comprise a series of low-lying atolls, from <1 to c. 4m above sea level. Traditionally, Micronesian people lived in small village communities, gaining nutrition from the ocean and the very limited number of crops that can grow in the salty, sandy atoll soils (e.g. bush Taro, coconut, bread fruit). The global trend of urbanisation has affected Kiribati as it has in many parts of the world. Today, the urbanised atolls of Kiribati (South Tarawa) represent c. 43% of the population. Lifestyles in urbanised atolls are radically different to traditional lives, and require the generation of a new, urban economy, different nutritional solutions, job creation, and electricity. One resource Kiribati has, is ocean th-
dc.titleOTEC을 이용한 개발도상 도서국가의 지속가능개발 지원-키리바시 사례연구--
dc.title.alternativeHow OTEC will Assist a Small Island Developing State: Case study of Kiribati-
dc.citation.titleProceedings of 7th International OTEC Symposium-
dc.citation.conferenceNameProceedings of 7th International OTEC Symposium-
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친환경해양개발연구본부 > 해수에너지연구센터 > Conference Papers


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