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Elucidation of aerodynamic characteristics due to ice accretion on multi-mw wind turbine blade.

Ryoo, Won SeokPark, Seong ChulKim, Sang HwanJeong, Jae Ho
Issue Date
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
Journal Title
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
Wind turbines installed in regions with high altitudes and low temperatures on winter season, ice can accumulate on the blade surfaces during operating condition. A small amount of ice accretion on the blade surface can result in several crucial issues, such as AEP(annual energy production) reduction due to degrade aerodynamic performance, and safety concerns related to ice falling down. Predicting and elucidating icing accretion phenomena under various weather conditions are significantly essential in the aspect of operating and maintenance. The primary objective of this study was to assess the impact of ice accretion on the aerodynamic characteristics of wind turbine blades CFD (computational fluid dynamics) analysis, including ice thickness and shape, under varying weather conditions. Therefore, this study focused on identifying the aerodynamic characteristics affected by ice accretion, including ice thickness and shape under various weather conditions through Fensap. Through this methodology, the presence of ice accumulation on the blade surfaces was investigated, and its adverse impact on aerodynamic performance has been assessed.
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