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탄성 마운트의 정적·동적 특성에 관한 기초 연구

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dc.contributor.authorSung-Ju Park-
dc.contributor.authorPark, Byoungjae-
dc.contributor.authorKookhyun Kim-
dc.contributor.authorChae-Lim Jeong-
dc.contributor.authorYong-Jin Ji-
dc.description.abstractThe majority of elastic mounts are utilized in anti-vibrational and shock absorption applications, and accurate prediction of the static and dynamic stiffness of the elastic mount is crucial for design and mechanical performance. This study primarily focused on investigating the static and dynamic stiffness characteristics to predict the behavior of the elastic mount system. Additionally, tension, compression, and shear tests were conducted on NR (natural rubber) and SBR (styrene-butadiene rubber) under quasi-static loading conditions to obtain stress-strain cycle stretch curves. A review of constitutive models for hyperelastic materials was discussed, and the parameters of each model were calibrated by comparing them with experimental data and numerical results. To identify static stiffness, the calibrated material parameters were validated through comparison with quasi-static test results for the elastic mount. The dynamic stiffness of the elastic mounts was obtained through finite element analysis, and the damping loss factor was calculated using the half-power bandwidth method. The presented dynamic stiffness model was used for bushing connector applications in a simple mount system.-
dc.title탄성 마운트의 정적·동적 특성에 관한 기초 연구-
dc.title.alternativeStudy on the Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Elastic Mount-
dc.citation.conferenceName2024년도 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회-
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