모형선 캐비테이션 시험을 통한 선체부착 센서를 이용한 추진기소음 모니터링 기술 고찰Experimental Study of Propulsion Noise Monitoring Technology using Hull-attached Sensors through Model Ship Cavitation Test
- Other Titles
- Experimental Study of Propulsion Noise Monitoring Technology using Hull-attached Sensors through Model Ship Cavitation Test
- Authors
- 이석규; 한형석; 성우제; 설한신; 나선근; 전관수
- Issue Date
- 6월-2024
- Publisher
- 한국소음진동공학회
- Keywords
- Hull-Attached Sensor; Cavitation Inception Speed; Source Localization; 추진기 소음; 선체 부착 센서; 공동 발생 속도; 음원 위치 추정; Propeller Noise
- Citation
- 한국소음진동공학회논문집, v.34, no.3, pp 233 - 250
- Pages
- 18
- Journal Title
- 한국소음진동공학회논문집
- Volume
- 34
- Number
- 3
- Start Page
- 233
- End Page
- 250
- https://www.kriso.re.kr/sciwatch/handle/2021.sw.kriso/10609
- 1598-2785
- Abstract
- An experimental study was conducted to confirm the CIS monitoring algorithm using the kurtosis value of the DEMON spectrum and cavitation source localization estimation algorithm using the matched field inversion technique with the currently operating battleship model. Hull attachment sensors (acoustic, acceleration) were attached to the model installed in a large cavitation tunnel. The model was tested based on speed/condition, and the measured signals were processed and analyzed using algorithms. The CIS monitoring algorithm was evaluated as predictable within the error range. However, when affected by singing, it was confirmed that it was predictable within the error range when the corresponding frequency band was checked and excluded from the algorithm. The cavitation source localization estimation algorithm estimated similar locations in the process of selecting and analyzing cases that occur intermittently and occur in a single location as much as possible. However, we analyzed that an error in the angular direction occurred because of source localization estimation when the difference between the location of cavitation and location of collapse occurred first owing to cavitation in the hub.
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