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Derivation of factors and scoring framework for prioritization of HNS discharges from marine industrial facilities

Kim, YongmyungKang, Won SooLee, MoonjinChoi, Hoon
Issue Date
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
OCEANS 2024, Halifax
Journal Title
OCEANS 2024, Halifax
Hazardous and noxious substances (HNS), when discharged into the marine environment, affect to humans and marine organisms, even corrosive damage to marine facilities, or otherwise interfere with the use of marine areas. For the regulation and management of HNS, it is necessary to select prioritization through scientific methods, therefore the Chemical Ranking and Scoring (CRS) technique has been developed and used worldwide. In this study, for the purpose of systematic management of HNS discharged into the marine environment from marine industrial facilities, a comparative of various CRS systems was conducted to establish a prioritization system. First, select the target chemicals and target facilities, and Second, derive the main factors of the prioritization system. Third, detailed factors and a quantitative scoring system were established for five major factors. The five main factors were relatively assigned to social interest and issues (20 points), exposure potential (30 points), toxicity (35 points), behavior (10 points), and Interference with marine uses (5 points). It is applied so that it can be converted to 100 points through the product of toxicity and detailed factors of behavior, and uncertainty scores, uncertainty ratios, and mixtures were proposed for consideration. The results of this study are expected to be used for prioritization for the management of HNS discharged/spilled from offshore industrial facilities.
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