Characteristics of VIV in multi-degree-of-freedom tensioned beams using a numerical method
- Authors
- Jung, D.; Kim, H.; Shin, S.
- Issue Date
- 2012
- Publisher
- Springer Tokyo
- Keywords
- Eigenvalue; FDM; Inline instability; Numerical study; Phase angle; Tensioned beam; VIV
- Citation
- Journal of Marine Science and Technology (Japan), v.17, no.3, pp 349 - 359
- Pages
- 11
- Journal Title
- Journal of Marine Science and Technology (Japan)
- Volume
- 17
- Number
- 3
- Start Page
- 349
- End Page
- 359
- 10.1007/s00773-012-0166-1
- 0948-4280
- Abstract
- The object of this study is to analyze the characteristics of vortex-induced vibration of a slender marine structure with the numerical method. Applying a dynamic analysis method for a slender marine structure based on the 3D finite difference method, we carried out case studies for a tensioned beam model at a constant flow speed. The hydrodynamic forces, in the direction of inline and cross-flow, created by vortex shedding are simultaneously considered based on Morison equation. The frequency of force in the inline direction corresponding to the unstable zone is evaluated. An eigenvalue analysis for different flow speeds of a tensioned beam considering the effect of the tension increase due to the inline and cross-flow drag forces is performed. We found that a revision of the eigenvalue should be considered if the tension along a riser or beam is significantly affected by an environmental or functional load. From a trajectory on the XY plane it was shown that the riser did not move in an exact 8 shape for all flow conditions due to the phase angle difference between inline and cross-flow displacement. It is believed that the phase angles between inline and cross-flow displacements in high modes are different among the nodes. ? JASNAOE 2012.
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