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LCOE 저감을 위한 해상풍력 일괄설치 하부구조의 운동성능평가 연구

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dc.contributor.authorPark, Byeongwon-
dc.contributor.authorJung, Sung Jun-
dc.contributor.authorPark, Jinsu-
dc.contributor.authorJung, Jae Hwan-
dc.contributor.authorSung, Hong Gun-
dc.description.abstractIn this study, the motion response of the substructure of an offshore wind farm was evaluated under the design environmental conditions during the installation procedure. The substructure of offshore wind farm for LCOE reduction has 3 pontoons and the tower is located in the centre of the structure. Since the centre of gravity of this system is relatively higher than that of conventional type of offshore structures and the restoring moment is relatively small, the motion characteristics of the structure during installation procedures are importance. The motion response of the substructure was evaluated using KRISO's in-house codes, which are AdFlow based on the high-order boundary element method for frequency domain analysis and KIMAPS for time domain simulation. In this study, the initial stage of installation, which is before the legs are lowered on site, was considered for the evaluation to confirm that the installation of the offshore wind farm is possible or not under the environmental conditions on site.-
dc.titleLCOE 저감을 위한 해상풍력 일괄설치 하부구조의 운동성능평가 연구-
dc.citation.conferenceName2023년도 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회 한국해양공학회-
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친환경해양개발연구본부 > 심해공학연구센터 > Conference Papers


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Sung, Hong Gun
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